Thank You Confirmation Principle

This week we will examine the following Scripture - Deuteronomy 31:6 King James Version which states:

Be strong and of good courage. Do not be fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, he is the one who goes with you; He will not leave you or forsake you.

This week in our Huddle we want you to know and understand The Lord will make a way out of no way and as long as we keep our eyes on Him and not on our enemies, haters, backstabbers or just the general naysayer! At the same time that He is making a way for us He is always with us, so who or what should we ever fear? If anything the presence of hate, envy, sabotage and violence should signal that GOD is about to reveal the purpose for the pain!

If you know better than the plan is you should actually do better.  We want you to take this principle and actually apply it to your daily routine/interaction with others.  So you may ask how can this actually be applied to my daily walk to which I would reply, this can be applied to your daily walk by strengthening your FAITH that God can make a way for you no matter how bad things may seem. You must say to yourself that if I am having difficulties I have to TRUST in God’s Plan for my life and rely on Him to take care of my enemies. I don’t have to look back at those who are coming for me as God will take care of them for me. Bills, haters or naysayers will not stop me from keeping my eyes fixed on The Lord’s path that He is clearing for me. I’m going to start saying Thank You Confirmation when the enemy is in my presence to signal my ultimate and unwavering FAITH in GOD delivering me!

In closing say this prayer with me now and repeat it each morning, noon and night:

My prayer is that my FAITH in God will be strengthened and that I will totally TRUST His path for me. I pray that even in the darkest of times my heart will still be set on Him and that my lips will utter THANK YOU CONFIRMATION and THANK YOU LORD versus any other statement that would give the enemy any acknowledgment. I will not be self centered but focus more on being God centered in all that I do, so my actions can be pleasing in His sight and ultimately I will hear Well Done when I meet Him face to face!


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